Spiritual Warfare / Inner Healing

by Mubasherr
(Woodbridge, VA)


I need prayers for me and my wife Nazia, who is currently not in the faith, but does believe in God in her own ways. (She does respect the fact that I had gotten saved, and will always be a Christian.)

For some time now, there is some kind of evil spirit that is attached to her, and it is preventing us from getting closer together, and often attacks me and her at night.

Please pray for us as individuals, and as husband and wife. My daughter Minaal is also affected by this evil spirit, since she is very close to her mother (Nazia).

Your prayers greatly matter and are very much appreciated.

Thank you, and may God continue to bless you in all His ways.

Comments for Spiritual Warfare / Inner Healing

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Oct 16, 2024

by: Terry

Oh, Lord, I pray this entire family obeys the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:1-4) by obeying Acts 2:38 so they can truly be born again, born of water and Spirit to gain access to heaven (John 3:3-5). Amen


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