Please Father God Bless us with your Favor and Protection!!!

by Margaret Lawson
(Madison Tennessee )

Dear God, Heavenly Father Please Bless Willie Richie he's struggling created in him a new mind body and spirit. Cleanse and restore him. Father God teach him how to LOVE your way not his way. Father God show him your LOVE Forgive and Respect. Father God order his steps and keep your hand on him. Father God keep me in your prayers.I LOVE YOU LORD you're all I have. you're all I have. I PRAY ask and RECEIVE, Please help. Father God. THANK YOU!!! AMEN AMEN and AMEN!!!

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Jul 05, 2024

by: Terry

Oh, Lord Jesus, I pray that You reveal Yourself to Margaret so she knows You are the One and Only God, the God that is One, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, all 3 in One. Do this Lord so she knows who she is praying to, in Jesus' name.


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