
Please can you pray for my emotional healing from my break up. My ex told me it was a break and I heard from his friends it’s a break up but I want to learn to love myself. I want to heal the pain is awful. Please pray that he will speak to me really soon so I can get closure and move on. Please pray that I can let him and it go so I can be happy or at least not so sad as I am right now. I just want to be feel normal and okay again. I want to feel it’s okay. Please help my prayers be stronger to God. It feels like he heard those prayers from people further in their faith more than he hears mine. Please please pray for my healing I know it sounds a little cringe and ridiculous but I am desperate for help it hurts so badly :(.

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Jul 01, 2024

by: Terry

Oh Lord, I pray this prayer for Nick's broken heart, in the name of Jesus Christ.


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