My mom

by Ashley

My mom needs mental health help, she is really ill and is aggressive and attacked my dad and things. She also told me and my dad (mostly my dad) in anger to leave the house for good. I worry about what she will do next, will I be the next big target? I don’t want to be on the streets or my dad in a horrible housing situation (if he is lucky).

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Mar 19, 2025

by: Terry

Oh, Lord, Balm of Gilead, the Great Rapha, the God that heals, Jesus Christ, apply Your Balm and heal Ahley's mom. And lead her, Ashley, and Ashly's dad to repentance and obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:1-4) by obeying Acts 2:38 so they can be Born Again and gain access to heaven (John 3:3-5), in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Amen!


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