My husband and my daughter

by Layra
(Pinetop lakeside az)

Please pray for my husband that he stop see video's of younger boys in underwear in social media. My husband thinks that he is attractive to younger boys. He can see that is wrong to see. My husband can start focus priorities Lord Jesus Christ and repent what he is doing. My husband can start taken care of his hygiene and take shower today. My husband priorities Lord Jesus Christ and his wife and kids and dogs. My husband can be more peaceful mind of irritated anxiety depression and other negative thoughts. His sisters stop texting my husband put him guilty telling him negative things what going on with his mom and his brother. My husband stop stressing to much about his mom and leave surrender to Lord Jesus Christ. My husband pay more attention to me and less social media. My 21 year old daughter stop judging or hate men's she can her heart that all men's are not bad. What happens in the past trauma with her. My 21 year old daughter accept her stepdad and have more communication with him. My daughter and my son can have more closer relationships with Lord Jesus Christ.

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Jul 02, 2024

by: Terry

Oh, Lord, You know that the real problem here is that none of these people, including Layra, are born again as you command in John 3:3-5. So I pray for You to guide and lead them to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) by obeying Acts 2:38, repenting of their sins, being baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins, and being filled with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. And then Lord, lead them and guide them to lead and live a Repentant Lifestyle as I have posted today. I am praying all of this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!


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