
by Deepa

Dear brothers and sisters,
Please pray for my mother Teresa G to protect her from all dangers and black magic and please pray for curing all the diseases of my mother Teresa G especially diabetes,kidney disease and heart disease and please pray that all her pain in her body and all ailments in her body get cured and please pray for her that she will live a long life say 100 years.Please pray for my mother Teresa G to keep her in good health and with good energy.

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Mar 17, 2025

by: Terry

Oh, Lord, Balm of Gilead, the Great Rapha, the God that heals, Jesus Christ, apply Your Balm and heal Teresa G. And lead her and Deepa to repentance and obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:1-4) by obeying Acts 2:38 so they can be Born Again and gain access to heaven (John 3:3-5), in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! Amen!


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