Christa Pettis, mom

by Christa
(United States)

Pray for me. I’m a mom who is struggling with paralysis of my left arm and hand from a brain injury. I’m still raising 5 teenagers at home and
I’m desperate for God to heal my arm, hand and some residual weakness in my left leg.
Specifically, please pray that I’ll be able to walk up and down stairs again and especially open and close my hand/ fingers
I want to manage my home again. Please pray for me, my name is Christa and I’m missing my life.

Comments for Christa Pettis, mom

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Feb 24, 2025

by: Terry

Oh, Lord, The Great Rapha, the God that heals, the Balm of Gilead, apply Your Balm and miraculously heal Christa of this affliction and I pray You lead her to obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ by obeying Acts 2:38 so she can be born again (John3:3-5), in Jesus' name. Hallelujah! Amen!


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